Veffo - The brilliant Spider catcher tool

Many of us get a bit a anxious when catching and removing a spider, bug or fly from our house. Veffo removes the stress and drama that comes with this. Veffo offers a easy, calm and ethical solution

Veffo Spider catcher full length image

Calm 😌

Veffo gives you a 65cm distance between you and the target spider meaning plenty of space whilst allowing complete control during the removal process.

This will help keep your stress levels down and avoid any jumpy moments

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Veffo Spider catcher handle

Easy 😄

A simple trigger allows you open and close the bristles with ease.

No cups, cardboard or other faffy things required!

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Veffo spider catcher bristles opening an closing

Ethical 💚

Veffo's special bristles allow for reliable grip meaning nothing escapes, whilst making sure nothing is harmed within it. So great for your conscience and karma

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  • Living Room Catch

  • Kitchen Catch

  • Bathroom Catch

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